Monday, September 30, 2013

September 24th-30th

(9/24) Work day for Dad & me and Kathy had the kids.  D has mastered the doors at my house, and let himself out of the room and into the bathroom numerous times while I was reading to them.  I dread moving them to big boy beds!

(9/25) Sarah met us at Toddler Story Time at the Library this morning.  It was insane... I think there were about 30 toddlers plus their parents crammed in one room.  It was total chaos, and the librarian gave up after quickly reading two stories and singing a song.  I let the boys do what they wanted, and just kept an eye on them to make sure they weren't stealing things from other people's strollers.  J helped himself to someone else's cookies the last time we came.  LOL!  After the toys came out, the boys finally were able to sit down. After story time, I didn't feel like going home, so we stopped at the park.  Everything was wet, but we had rain coats and dry clothes at home.  The boys played for a while and then we headed home for lunch and a nap.  I woke the boys so we could go get C from school.  He had a dentist appointment today.  We made a quick stop at Starbucks (of course) and got some juice boxes to go and headed over.  I kept the boys busy with some Sid the Science Kid on my iPod and the staff at the dentist brought out balloons, which were so much fun!  

(9/26) Work day for me, and Dad had the boys.  I got home in time to have dinner with the family and put the littles to bed before scurrying out the door for Curriculum Night.  I love C's teacher!  She is so organized and I'm looking forward to volunteering in C's class again soon!  She said C is so enthusiastic and as a parent, that is wonderful to hear.  He has been so happy lately ~ I'm glad!

(9/27) TGIF!  Work day for Dad & me and Kathy had the boys.  Kathy said J came right in, rejected lunch, and wanted to go to sleep. He slept for hours, and she finally had to wake him up.  Guess he needed it!  Evenings always fly by too fast at home and before I knew it, it was bedtime. 

(9/28) Whoops - discovered we had left the stroller at Kathy's yesterday, and today we have hockey.  This ought to be fun!  It actually wasn't too bad.  The boys sat on the bench while I helped C get dressed, and then ran the stairs, and had lunch while C was practicing.  The boys are more than adept at opening doors, and both of them managed to slip outside at different points.  Fortunately, I was right there for both and was able to grab them.  But yeah, I'm definitely bringing the stroller for next time!  They were *exhausted* when we got home and slept for over 3 hours.  C was invited for a sleepover at Jordan's, so it was just the littles and me for the evening.  It was so quiet, other than the monitor periodically saying "Thank you!"   D is a funny boy.

(9/29) Dad had the littles and I had a run up north in the morning.  I came home to chattering boys that had just woken from their nap.  Dad left to run some errands and fetch the big boy, and then came home and made us a very yummy dinner.  The littles and I holed up upstairs to stay out of Dad's hair, and they had a ball playing in the closet and closing the door on each other. D is going to be a tiiiiired boy tomorrow, since he was up howling at the moon (or making "oooooooh" noises) until well after 9pm tonight. 

(9/30) Monday... back to the grind.  Boys are with their dad and I am at work.  I am looking forward to having the rest of this week off. No plans as of yet, but I'm sure we'll think of something.

Sunday, September 29, 2013


D: APPY! (apple)  TATO! (potato)  ONION!  YUM! (plum)

D: ORANGE!  BOON! (ball) *chucks it* DON'T THROW!

D: HUCK! HUCK!  (hugs!)

Big brother made them a track!
J: Cuddle-cuddle.
Quite the snuggler this boy is.

Me: Be nice to the kitty!
All while "patting" the kitty and sitting on him

Hands me a plastic potato ~ 

Really good episode?
Me: Alright, toothy time!
J: *sad voice* Noooo.  (he loves brushing his teeth, he just knows it comes before bedtime)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Denton: Wigga-wigga.
Me: Fishies.

D: Eye! Nose!  Lin!  (chin)

Me: Where are the batteries?
J: Bat-dees! *shrug*

Driving to school, a random dog along the way is barking at the kids who are walking.
D: Shrek! No!

Thieving hash browns from the freezer...
Me: Hey! Bring that back!
Thieving other things from the freezer..
J: Oooh!  Brrr!

J: *sneeze*
Me: Bless you!
D & J: blah-doo!  

D: BOON!  (ball or balloon)

Monday, September 23, 2013

September 17th-23rd

(9/17) Today was exciting!  We had been on baby alert since yesterday morning, and I got the message that my brother and his wife had been admitted.  Today was the day!  I left work early and sped to the hospital.  Labor progressed slowly, so I left to go move the kids from Kathy's to Sarah's, who agreed to watch them until Dad came home in exchange for dinner.  Done deal!  Back to the hospital I went.  Visited with all the family and kept all parties out of the country (Granddad & Grandma) updated.  Got a baby at 11:59pm today!  Welcome, Ryker!

(9/18) Since Mama didn't get home until after 2am (it was quite the party at the hospital), I wasn't ready for the early birdie (J) at 7am.  I turned the monitor down when his laughing woke me up, and managed to sleep a little longer.  We bummed around the house today after Dad made us breakfast, only leaving to go grab C from school, and for an afternoon park visit.  I took all the bikes, and C practiced riding his, and the littles pushed around their cars.  Those cars were quite the hit at the playground and got borrowed by a bunch of other kids.  Glad we had lots to share!

(9/19)  Work day for me and Dad had the kiddos.  My nephew was given the thumbs up and they were sent on home today.  Dad got us pizza tonight, and of course I had a helpful audience when I was trying to eat mine.  "Mama D-d linner!" was the expression of the day.  Guess I'm sharing.

(9/20) Work day for Dad & me, and Kathy had the kids. I'm running on fumes today, so as soon as the boys turn in, I won't be far behind!  Might be a while...  D is up there saying "D-d dooowwwwn!  Mama D-d down!"  J has been totally quiet tonight though, which probably means he'll be up early.  Yay.  He was so cute tonight.  He sat on my lap and read me a story - he traced all the shapes and said, "Goo.  Goo."  Sure, goo is a shape.

(9/21) Dad made us Dutch Babies today - the kiddos now yell "BABY!" when those are cooking!  After breakfast, I tidied up the place a bit, got the diapers in the wash, and then headed out to grab Nanan so she could meet baby Ryker.  Jake's neighbors have twins and they were visiting too. They looked like completely different babies!  I saw them at Ryker's baby shower and the boy had just been released from the hospital and was so tiny.. and now, they're sweet chubby babies.  So cute!

Flew home from there to get home in time for hockey.  Desy came over to watch the twins and C went with us to the game.  Tips slaughtered the Cougars 8-3.  Awesome home opener!   Des said J absolutely lost it when she took his water away after dinner (after he spilled it and tossed it, etc).  He does that when he's tired--told her not to worry.  I was impressed though, they did not cry when she came in and I didn't hear peep as we left.

(9/22) It was so nice to sleep in a little this morning, and then join the fam for breakfast.  It was starting to look gray and yucky, so we decided to pile in the car and go for a drive.  We headed out US 2 and went down by our favorite campground.  We scouted out a couple future camping areas and stopped to have lunch at the second one. It had started to rain.. but meh, we had our hoodies!  Dad packed us bagels and cream cheese and the boys kept tripping and hitting the dirt with them.  Extra fiber?  We let them eat, throw some rocks in the river and then we hopped back in the car to drive up and up and up FS 6522.  Took some neat pictures and then headed down and down and down, and then back home.  Dinner had been cooking all day in the crock pot and was just about ready when we got home.  Yum!   Then bath time for littles, the big, and bed.  Fun day!

(9/23) Happy Monday!  Work day for me, Dad has the little men, and C has school.  Weeeee!