Monday, March 24, 2014

March 18th-24th

(3/18) Work day for Dad and me, but unfortunately Kathy & her son are really sick, so Nanan came to watch littles and I knocked off work early in time to get C from school. Before heading off to work, Dad took the littles to the dealership to get another key cut for the van and the dealership had some cute activity kits for the kids - smart!

(3/19) Busy day for me. I had the day off and volunteered in the morning in C's class, then rushed home for one of our last home study interviews.  We're done with our part now; yay!  The twins took all of the DVDs down while I was talking... but at least it kept them entertained?  They only got a super short nap because my interview concluded at 1p and I had to wake them at 2:15p.  Talk about uber grumpy kids!  D has figured out how to unlock the fridge and make it rain in the kitchen, and J kept wanting to get allll the videos out again and they were just into everything tonight.  I actually ended up trying timeout with them, which resulted in the one not in timeout walking by and announcing "TWO MINUTES!"   Not so effective.  

(3/20) Work day for me and Dad had the kids.  Dad took the boys in for haircuts today and both D & J screamed through the entire thing. But they all look so cute!  Love coming home to my handsome dudes.

(3/21) I took today off since C didn't have school and we're trying to avoid the sickness at Kathy's house.  I packed lunch for the boys and we met up with Sarah & her boys at the park.  Of course the boy that wasn't wearing boots was first in the puddle, which then meant all 3 were in the puddle.   C was rollerblading and managed to fall butt-first into it too.  Sigh.  I brought the twins' cars to play with, but toward the end of our playtime another set of twins showed up and they had even cooler cars.  In the time it took me to walk across the playground and get D's car, he had managed to finagle a spot in one of the better cars and was being pushed around the court.  He was soaking wet from having played in the puddle, it was all of 46° and windy as all get out, and it was nap time, which all meant a MELTDOWN when it was time to go.  C went home with Jor, and I guess they went back to Sarah's and fought for most of the time about what they were going to do.  Sarah dropped him off in time for dinner and then Nanan came to watch everybody so I could go to a movie with the girls.  Mom said the twins both escaped their beds and got into *everything* tonight, kind of like they do every night.  Weee.

(3/22) C had his team awards ceremony today and equipment return.  J so sweetly clapped for all the players whenever the audience clapped.  C earned an academic all-star award and a participation trophy.  He scored some ice cream at 11am, which was fine by me since there were berries to top it and the littles munched on those.   The littles napped the day away and finally woke up around 5pm when Sarah & Jamie came over for dinner.  We couldn't decide on what we wanted, and finally settled on Bento. Sarah went and grabbed it, and by the time we had all finished and played a bit, it was bedtime for little boys again. 

(3/23) What a beautiful day!  We kicked off the morning with twinsies actually *in* their beds (yahoo!).  After breakfast we packed the fam up and went to the park.  It felt so much warmer today, thought according to the car it was only 1° warmer than Fri at 47°.  Must've been the lack of wind.  We picked up lunch and came home to eat and put the boys down for a nap.  After they woke up, it was time for play followed by dinner, bath and bed. Here's hoping tonight has fewer get-ups than last night. For those playing the home game, I went up 13 times to put J back in bed, 2 times to stop J from removing his diaper and once to fetch D's toy.  

(3/24) Monday again.  It's conference week which means early release for C all week. Dad has the kiddos today and I am at work. 

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