Monday, April 7, 2014

April 1st-7th

(4/1) Whatever hit me yesterday seems to have let up, and we went about life as normal.  Dad & I went to work and the kids went to Kathy's.  Kathy texted to let me know that C had spiked a fever.  Ugh.  After a rest and some meds, he was back (mostly) to normal.  I made the kids' favorite dinner and C barely touched it.  Poor bubba.  I didn't hear a peep from any of the kids after I put them to bed.  Totally not normal. 

(4/2) Blah, sick-sick-sick.  Don't mind me while I crawl in a hole and die.  I felt so bad - it's C's spring break and we're stuck at home, inside.  I finally rallied enough to get everybody out into the back yard and the boys had a blast getting soaked in the dogs' water bucket and playing in the sand box.  I fell asleep pretty much as soon as the kiddos did.

(4/3)  I'm feeling much better today, but Dad isn't feeling so hot.  Dang.  This plague doesn't mess around.  He was off with the kids today and I went to work.  Thankfully, Nanan came and grabbed a stir-crazy C for an overnight.  That will be fun for him!  Dad crashed as soon as I got home and could take care of the twins.  I hope he's feeling better tomorrow. 

(4/4)  Dad's still feeling awful, but had to go in to work anyway.  I went in too and the littles went to Kathy's.  I'm missing book club tonight with the girls, but after being so sick, a quiet night with my little guys was perfect.  After dinner, I put on Cars and we cuddled up on the couch.  After the littles went to bed, I caught up on some shows, and then hit the hay myself.

(4/5)  Dad took the day off sick today.  The littles and I played playdoh and had a quiet morning together.  After nap, the twins and I piled in the car and met Nanan, C, Jake, Amber & Ryker at IHOP for birthday dinner.  Nanan's b-day is officially tomorrow, but when the stars align and we can actually get everyone in the same place, we take it!  C came back with us - we missed him!

(4/6) Hooray, Dad is back in the land of the living!  The boys and I played playdoh while he ventured out to run errands.  I unexpectedly had no afternoon plans, so after the littles went down, I caught a quick run and then C and I hiked up to Starbucks and to the park.  After everybody got up, we had dinner, watched hockey, had bath time, playtime and then finally bed time again.

(4/7) Wee, Monday! Back to school for C, to work with me & Dad has the littles. 

Me: Night-night, littles!  Love you!
D: Night-night littles! Lub you!
J: No night-night.  No lub you!
Me: Always, always love you!
J: No!
Me: Yes!
J: No yes!

Watching Cars:
D: Kachow!

D calls J "little boy"
D (offering grapes): Want some, boy?
D: Welcome, boy!

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